Research Lines

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Data Science

Data Science is a transversal science that has an impact on everyone’s life. Any given event or electronic device is capable of generating data, which is multiplied by the minute. There has been a dramatic increase over recent years in the development of technology capable of capturing this data, such as sensors, computers, and the Internet, as well as multidisciplinary tools capable of retrieving it, processing it, and converting it into a strategic asset.

We at the Complex Systems Engineering Institute generate analysis and acquire new knowledge from this data, integrating the methodologies of this science as tools in other lines of the Institute’s research to support decision making within organizations and leaving a footprint in a wide range of critical areas in society.


Research line members

  • Ángel Jiménez, Universidad de Chile
  • Sebastián Maldonado, Universidad de Chile
  • Omar D. Pérez, Universidad de Chile
  • Carla Vairetti, Universidad de los Andes (Leader)
  • Juan Velásquez, Universidad de Chile
  • Richard Weber, Universidad de Chile


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Operations Management and Analytics

In each organization, be that government, public, private, or non-profit, strategic decisions must be made. Today it is possible to do so by integrating scientific methods to find optimal solutions to the real problems of the institutions.

At the Complex Systems Engineering Institute, a number of disciplines interact to connect the enormous amount of data and information available on each organization, with the resolution of problems and decisions through the development of optimization models and the management of experimentally applied operations. Our focus is on addressing a diverse range of problems from the efficient allocation of resources in public services to new proposals for location and logistics, from revenue management and price optimization in the service industry to the management of operations and market designs applied to retail, and the optimization of processes in critical industries such as forestry and mining.


Research line members

  • Eduardo Álvarez, Universidad de Talca
  • Víctor Bucarey, Universidad de O’Higgins
  • Jaime Carrasco, Universidad de Chile
  • José Rafael Correa, Universidad de Chile
  • Guillermo Durán, Universidad de Chile
  • Rafael Epstein, Universidad de Chile
  • Marcel Goic, Universidad de Chile
  • Vladimir Marianov, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Susana Mondschein, Universidad de Chile
  • Ricardo Montoya, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Andrés Musalem, Universidad de Chile
  • Gonzalo Muñoz, Universidad de O’Higgins
  • Marcelo Olivares, Universidad de Chile (Leader)
  • Marcelo Olivares Alveal, Universidad de Chile
  • Fernando Ordóñez, Universidad de Chile
  • Miguel O’Ryan, Universidad de Chile
  • Lorena Pradenas, Universidad de Concepción
  • Denis Sauré, Universidad de Chile
  • Daniel Schwartz, Universidad de Chile
  • Juan Pablo Torres, Universidad de Chile
  • Charles Thraves, Universidad de Chile
  • Andrés Weintraub, Universidad de Chile


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Transportation Engineering

Transportation systems are fundamental to the economic and social development of communities around the world. The strategic design of service networks and the optimization of operations are subject to technological research with high impact on the organization of cities and regions, the location of activities and the use of users’ time, with great potential to increase levels of quality of life of their inhabitants.

People’s transport needs generate problems of great complexity when many actors interact. In the Complex Systems Engineering Institute we have integrated interdisciplinary perspectives that have allowed us to rigorously understand the relationship between the design of transport systems and the behavior of users and operators, in order to conceive, plan, and properly regulate these systems. We seek to improve their conception and operation, generating innovative proposals in the long and short term, which is aided by the availability of new and improved sources of information. New challenges involve the development of specific aspects of research such as time use and its valuation, urban development, electro-mobility, the role of social networks, the analysis of walking and cycling as special modes of transport, and the development of optimal social policies in urban, sea, and air transport.


Miembros de la línea de investigación/Research line members

  • Sebastián Astroza, Universidad de Concepción
  • Camila Balbontín, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Franco Basso, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
  • Juan Antonio Carrasco, Universidad de Concepción
  • Cristián Cortés, Universidad de Chile
  • Angelo Guevara, Universidad de Chile (Leader)
  • Ricardo Hurtubia, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Sergio Jara, Universidad de Chile
  • Francisco Martínez, Universidad de Chile
  • Marcela Munizaga, Universidad de Chile
  • Juan de Dios Ortúzar, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Luis Rizzi, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Hugo Silva, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


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Energy Systems Engineering

Short and long-term challenges the country faces include the integration of a higher percentage of renewable energy and intelligent technologies into the network, increasing the safety and resilience of the electricity system, and improving the efficiency of the sector.

At the Complex Systems Engineering Institute we generate theoretical and applied research that supports these challenges. We design tools, models, and methodologies to add intelligence and flexibility in future energy systems and markets, to facilitate the transition to a more sustainable, secure, and resilient network. Additionally, we collaborate with government agencies and private industries in Chile and abroad, to contribute to the creation of new public policies, in the development of strategic plans to expand the system and private companies, and to address sensitive problems for Electricity Network operators and regulatory agents.


Research line members

  • Ángela Flores, Universidad de Chile
  • Rodrigo Moreno, Universidad de Chile (Leader)
  • Matías Negrete, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Daniel Olivares, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
  • Heraldo Rozas, Universidad de Chile
  • Doris Sáez, Universidad de Chile
  • Luis Vargas, Universidad de Chile


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Markets, Organization, and Regulation

Understanding how people and institutions react strategically to the actions of other agents and the environment in which they operate is vital for the regulation of markets with imperfect competition, the design of new markets, improving the performance of organizations, enhancing consumer experience, and ultimately in Ultimately improving social welfare.

At the Complex Systems Engineering Institute we integrate bring together researchers from the areas of Engineering and Economics to discuss issues key to Chile such as free competition, the allocation of resources in the absence of monetary payments, and policies to promote productivity and innovation. We examine real-world cases to understand the strategic behavior of people in private and public organizations in order to increase productivity and empower its members. Additionally, we design efficient provisions of goods and services through the use of market mechanisms and appropriate regulation. Finally, we seek to anticipate the reaction of agents to the regulation, which translates into improving the prediction of the effects and costs, thus allowing the authority to plan in the long term.


Research line members

  • Felipe Balmaceda, Universidad Andrés Bello
  • Leonardo Basso, Universidad de Chile
  • Andrea Canales, Universidad de O’Higgins
  • Nicolás Figueroa, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Leader)
  • Ronald Fischer, Universidad de Chile
  • Rosario Macera, Universidad de los Andes
  • Joaquín Poblete, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Jorge Rivera, Universidad de Chile


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