10 Octubre 20

On the Ground: Applied Analytics during the COVID Crisis in Chile

Additional graphical material for the application to the Franz Edelman Award by Instituto Sistemas Complejos de Ingeniería (ISCI) Ministry of Health Chile; Ministro of Science, Chile; Entel.

Mobility Reports

Mobility-driven strategic PCR testing for active search

Press release with the Undersecretary of Public Health Paula Daza

Optimal design of a nation-wide IgG surveillance program

Press release with Minister of Science Andrés Couve
Press release of the research article: “Dynamic IgG seropositivity after rollout of CoronaVac and the BNT162b2” with the Minister of Science, Andrés Couve and the Undersecretary of Healthcare Networks Alberto Dougnac.

Short-term forecasts of ICU occupancy levels.